Can I get a Refund?

No. Due to the nature of the goods, we cannot provide a refund.

I received a package with garbage, what should I do?

Figure out who sent it and send one back! To send one back click here. We also recommend recycling the garbage. We believe in saving the planet.

My recipient did not receive my package what do I do?

Unfortunately, sometimes United States CPB can be a bitch and they may have confiscated your sweet sweet package of goodies. If your recipient still has not received your package within 3 weeks of receiving confirmation of fulfillment, send us an email through our contact page and we will see what we can do!

What is the point of this?

To send garbage anonymously to someone as a joke or to someone that you just plain don't like.Imagine your frenemy's reaction when they receive a mystery package and empty it all over their desk only to end up with a garbage-filled desk.

Is this for real?

Yes. It is 100% real. We waste our time to save your time.

What's in the package?

Miscellaneous garbage. Wrappers, bottle caps, paper, receipts, it varies.

Is the package dangerous?

No. It contains small pieces of garbage. The package may contain all or some of the following: twigs, tissue paper, candy wrappers, wrappers,grass, pebbles, bottle caps, etc.

Where is the garbage coming from?

All garbage is produced in-house, with the finest pieces of garbage we can create! Don't worry though, there is nothing with body fluids, sharp objects, or anything gross or dangerous.

Can I attach my name to the package?


Can I write anything?

Yes. As long as the person receiving it does not consider it threatening. We believe in fostering safe fun. No one should fear for their safety.

Can I send this to anyone including myself?

Yes. Self hate can be a thing and so can self pranks.

How long does it take?

Delivery time will vary. No exact date can be given. We use the cheapest shipping method to save you money.

Should I buy this?

Yes .100%.